Is there a Legit (Online) Real Estate Investing School and How Much Does it Cost?

I was recently doing a phone interview with a woman who responded to one of our ads. She told me that she had built 3 hardware stores to a point where she was able to sell them to a national chain. However she now had no money because her husband took it all and left her. Her statement to me was that “if this costs any money, then I’m not interested”.

It was obvious to me that by the words of this woman that she was not only broke (which is a temporary situation, but that she had “broke” thinking which is more damaging and lasts as long as the person chooses to keep it and own it. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and proceeded to share with her a little about how we do things to see how she would react.

After I shared a bit about our company she told me “You haven’t answered my question; if this costs anything then I’m not interested”. The conversation didn’t last long after that as she was “stuck” in that rut of the record that she kept playing in her mind. After the call was ended I wondered if she really did build three hardwares to the point of selling them or that she was part of a team that the other half did most of the work and was the half that left her. If someone has built a business they know that they had to put some money in it at the beginning at least. They had to plant a seed for it to grow and a seed of business is money. And further, if you are going to school, one needs to know that the school is a business with bills to pay and gets revenue from the students to pay these bills.

I know that what she was saying is that she did not physically have the money that moment in her purse but she was not open to the thinking of how to get money into that purse so she could again invest in herself and change her situation. Hopefully something will happen in her life to ignite her imagination to create something that will better her situation.

I also thought that I could have told her that the “cost” could be as low as “zero”, but here is the lesson for my readers. If someone has “broke” thinking, let them alone until they “come around”. Don’t try to drag them into your business because you’ll be dragging them all the time, and you don’t have time to do that; regardless the business you have.

Following is a “script” that I could have shared with her, but again, that is my “sales” mode coming out in me. The script might work for you if you were “selling” something, but in my case, I’m not “selling” as much as I’m “informing” and I don’t want someone as a business partner who isn’t “strong”.

“There are several options which they go over in the interview. Depending on what you want to do, it’s zero, $125, around $3,000, $7,000 or $20,000 depending on how much ownership you take part in. But it does start at zero and we can show you how.

I am only the appointment center and all they want me to do is register people. I’m not supposed to tell you anything that will either influence you or dissuade you because that messes with their marketing stats. Would you like to be registered for the 1 p.m. online briefing, or the 7 p.m.?”

Now dear reader, the reason why I’m sharing the above with you is first, in a round about way, tell you what the “cost” is, even though that is a question you have but it isn’t your first question. And the second reason is that most people joining us and attending the school (and especially for our Independent Marketing Associates) have and use  sales techniques and have a business in which they too need to use some “posture” when acquiring partners and to not be so eager to take everyone in your business who answers your ads.

If reading this has been beneficial for you or if you have comments and questions, please leave them in the comments area below.

Make it a great day!

Terry Scott
Real Estate Investor

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