Real Estate Investing in Texas (Austin)

Isn't it about time for a change? 
Want to work a few hours and get paid

…what it normally takes you a year to make? 

It is happening everyday with those on our team. 

Over 90% Millionaires got that status dealing in real estate. Today the Internet has made this 
easier because we can train you regardless where you live and you can start with little or 
nothing but... here's where we differ: 

We are a (Closed) real estate investing group and located in all 50 states.
We teach our members to know EXACTLY what to do so they become an ASSET;
not remain a liability.

This may or may not be for you so we've put together a 15 minute overview. Check it out. 
If you like what you follow the instructions to move to the next phrase. 

We look forward to hearing from you. CLICK HERE. 

Find out if Real Estate Investing is right for you.

There's a Real Estate Guru in the White House, Now's the Time to Get in the Biz!

Isn't it about time for a change? 
Want to work a few hours and get paid

…what it normally takes you a year to make? 

It is happening everyday with those on our team. 

Over 90% Millionaires got that status dealing in real estate. Today the Internet has made this 
easier because we can train you regardless where you live and you can start with little or 
nothing but... here's where we differ: 

We are a (Closed) real estate investing group and located in all 50 states.
We teach our members to know EXACTLY what to do so they become an ASSET;
not remain a liability.

This may or may not be for you so we've put together a 15 minute overview. Check it out. 
If you like what you follow the instructions to move to the next phrase. 

We look forward to hearing from you. CLICK HERE. 

Find out if Real Estate Investing is right for you.

Macy’s will close 100 stores and cut 10,000 jobs. Who is at fault and what you can do about it.

I’m not going to “bore” you with the facts; you can read the articles about this. It’s the same old song, companies are laying off workers, stores close and businesses end. It shouldn’t surprise us; this happens. What should surprise us is the short memory people have that this continually happens and the belief that “it will never happen to me” and the general “laziness” of the general public in not doing something to prepare for the inevitable.

If you are someone who has lost a job lately, I’m not trying to “beat you up” with my words. If you’ve lost one job this should come as no surprise and it will continue as sure as the sun comes up tomorrow that people will start jobs and lose jobs as long as having a job is what they do.
Is Macy’s a “bad” company for doing this? Are the people laid off “bad” workers? No and no. Answer: things happen. Specifically, what happened? Change; change happened. The only thing consistent in life is change. In this case the word “change” is a noun. It is the answer why business, jobs, companies, technologies and so much becomes “different”. Today is different from yesterday because during the night while you were sleeping the hands on the clock moved to a different position; that is change.

“Change” is a noun and a verb. Be sure that your “change” is a verb and be part of it.
Ter Scott, Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant ™.

Advice: Turn the word change from a noun and use it as a verb; change. Change your thinking and your future will change.

Image result for changeIf you’ve been laid off (downsized, terminated; whatever) don’t be bitter; think of this as an opportunity to start anew and this time “do it right”. Doing it right means to evaluate things and this time maybe do something that you love! As the comedian Jim Carey stated in a commencement speech about something he learned from his dad, “you can fail at something you don’t love so you may as well be doing something that you love”. Write down things that you love doing and then seek fulfillment in those areas. 

Remember that you don’t “need” a job. I’m not saying that you should go on welfare and never work; I’m saying that you don’t “need” anything. Employers don’t want to hire anyone who “needs” to work. Think about it, how do you like it when you know someone who is always “needy”? Being needy is a frame of mind; get over it. Be above that.

Image result for joe vitaleNow I’m going to get a little “out there” for a moment because I know that unless you’ve followed people like Joe Vitale of “The Secret” you’ll find this to be a bit hard to “believe” but when you do, you’ll be able to move forward. I started by asking you if the workers who were laid off “bad” workers? But are they “responsible” for being laid off? You may think that the answer is “no” at least indirectly, but like Joe, I will tell you that yes, if you are one of those who lost your job, you are indeed responsible for that outcome. I’m not going to educate you about that principle here because it isn’t the point of my material here. You may want to research that more but I will say that when you take responsibility for “everything” that happens in your life you will be better equipped to live the life that you want to live.

If you are still reading this I hope you got something from it. You may be asking me “OK, Ter what is your point?” And, “what can I do with what you’ve just told me?”

I’m glad that you asked. This displays a good character trait in you that says, “I’m not going to stay down and I’m going to do things differently this time, I’m going to have more control in my life and not depend on Macy’s or any other boss to tell me when I can collect a paycheck or not!”
So what can you do differently so you don’t have to depend on someone else to earn money to provide for your family and have the lifestyle you want? The simple answer is to “create your own job”; be in business for yourself.

Forget all of the thoughts that I know are now pouring into your mind as to why you can’t start your own business. I’ve been in the business of helping others long enough that I’m sure I’ve heard all or most of them and I will tell you that listening to those voices will keep you working for someone else and working paycheck to paycheck and basically “broke”. Most people need to have a check-up from the neck up, as Zig Ziglar told me years ago. If you’ve never been in business for yourself or have never succeeded in the fashion you want, you need to change your mindset. Mindset is everything it is always good to have a refresher from time to time too.

What I will reveal in a moment offers my readers two things. It is a lesson in getting your mindset “modified”; changed from working for someone else to working for yourself. You’ll learn the different mindset that a business owner has from that of someone who works for a business owner. As a business owner, you’ll “call the shots, set your own schedule, and make more money”. Plus, when you have your own business, you’ll never be laid off again.

The second thing that I’m presenting to my readers is an opportunity. I know that it is “not for everybody” but I also know that “everybody won’t know if it’s for them or not until they take the time to check it out”. The opportunity is to learn what it is that has made the most millionaires in history and to join a group of like-minded real estate investors in doing deals; deals which can yield $40,000 each. There are also multiple ways to earn income with the group other than the $40K way.

Will you take 60 minutes to find out more about this real estate investing group to see if perhaps real estate investing is “for you”? Or, at least learn about having the proper mindset of a business owner so you’ll be able to move forward in any business on your own?

Invest 60 minutes here and learn about the Millionaire Mindset vs. W2 Worker Mindset. Then if you want more information about the real estate investing group, move on to the next step. If you think real estate investing is not for you at this time, you’ve learned some valuable stuff which you can use in any business that you start!